Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Monday, May 30, 2005

The Morning After

Suddenly, my 'being' as a writer means something else. Yesterday it meant trying to finish off an e-serial, write poetry and circulate my short stories for publication. It meant looking at the world through my 'third eye', seeing things in motion, and with their own life energy. All these things are still true today, but there is a marked difference in my psyche. It is because I have no more to write about Jackie McCann.

I am no longer writing a novel - I have written one. Although it is in serial form just now, I will embark on the process of novelising (?) the manuscript in a while. There are many things I don't like about Hunting Jack; small things that come and bug me during the night and big things that torment me when I least expect. It will need a LOT of work done to it. Some characters might not be there once complete, and perhaps new ones may appear, but the basis will be the same. It needs strengthened, smoothed and to be more aero-dynamic. It must be fast and witty, enjoyable and gripping. It must satisfy me, first and foremost.

The biggest thing for me now the story is told, is not living with Jackie any more. Last summer I knew I wanted to write a serial, but I wanted a strong story that would last and give me plenty of scope for expansion within the streets of Scotland. During The Edinburgh Fringe I noticed how easy it was for street beggars to 'disappear' behind the colour and motion of the street performers. I came to the conclusion that they could just as easily perform on the street and people might notice them or think they were part of the show.

The story evolved in my head from this seed. Early blurbs of the story still exist in older notebooks, when Jackie was just a name. I started to write and after the first issue, he started transforming into a person. I tried to mould him myself but it didn't work. Originally I wanted him to be skinny with short hair. But he told me was a strong little bugger and that if I cut his hair he would less than happy. So the Jackie I know has long black locks, a sparkle in his eye and a tatty black leather jacket. He has a heart of gold, yet is very confused; a product of his upbringing.

Now I've reached the end, Jackie is as much a part of me as the glasses I wear to see the world. I have got to know him and I have learned much. He is a different person after the ordeals I put him through. He is stronger, full of purpose, eyes wide open and more confident.

During the writing I followed his footsteps around Edinburgh and this was a most surreal experience. I looked at where he slept rough, where he met Victor, where he and Katie spent time - it's all too real to just be in my head sometimes.

This is why I have to make the novel perfect. I don't just owe it to myself, I owe it to Jackie McCann; to tell his story of heartbreak and love, failure and success.

Today was a good writing day. I got four issues polished and ready for sending off over lunch. I noticed several holes on the way and plugged them suitably. Issue 76 proved a bit of a hassle and had to be re-written three times to get it right. Issues 77 and 78 were most difficult - I did these in the evening and had to change larger parts around to fit them into the slots. I was trying to put square pegs in round holes and couldn't see the answer for looking so hard.

Three more to go and I'll send them all in, then I will take a break from Hunting Jack. I will put it aside except for the promotion and marketing of it as I have just signed another 6-month contract to keep it running. During this time I will work on other things; short stories and poetry as I have been doing, but a return to my first novel WIP is calling me stronger every day.

The thought of having written a novel and working on my second one - already half finished - is as exciting as it is huge. Elation is welling within me as I write.

Thanks to everyone who posted messages of congratulations yesterday. It is wonderful to know I have friends out there from all walks of like, yet are living through the same experiences and emotions that being a writer entails.

I love this writing biz!
Colin 11:10 am


Sounds like you're moving right along!

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