Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Monday, October 23, 2006

Running in Neutral

Slept late yesterday after not getting finished in work until 5am. I felt totally drained, knackered, zombified. By the time I got home I actually felt sick from having had no sleep and forcing myself to stay awake.

Sunday was pretty much a wipe-out as a result. I flaked out on the couch and got nothing done. The impact of my day job on my personal life is starting to concern me. Not only does one of these (well paid) shifts ruin the Saturday, but also the Sunday. The entire weekend is a total waste, then you find yourself back at work again.

Today I felt so sick with it all, I took the day off. It was pre-arranged if I wanted it but I wasn't 100% sure until this morning that I would take it.

I did a bit of reading and scribbling, then hoovered the downstairs before going up town to take a look around for possible Christmas pressies for my wife. She says we shouldn't get each other anything, but really! I always believed that something meaningful, even if small, is much better than an expensive gift. Something that touches the heart and has some thought in it. That's a sentiment that gets harder each passing year, however. What do you give the woman who has everything? She has ME after all!

I can't believe how fast October is running in. There is only about a week to go until NaNoWriMo and I still have much to do to prepare through the research. I wish it would just start. I've got the damn book half-written already in my head.

This week promises to be dramatic. I've still to interview the Scottish poet, and I'm unsure if I can schedule this and get it submitted in time for the November issue. This goes back to the family emergency last week, but still, I should have been better prepared. I may have to hold my hands up on this one.

I have still got to finish the November column for Scotland's Treasure, my regular column in The Scruffy Dog Review. It's half-written, I just need to get the rest complete.

I've lost my way this month and I'm impatient to begin NaNo. I'm feeling at a loose end and pretty vulnerable, starting to doubt myself. All becaue I've been distracted with work and other things that were of higher importance. Got to get back into the writing solidly. NaNo couldn't have come at a better time.

Finally, a message to my wife if she's reading this (because I'm feeling soppy today):

Colin 8:41 am


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