Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Gearing Up

Really tired this morning, but not from lack of sleep. I'm exhausted after the weekend and long start to the week, so going to the snooker last night meant I slept heavy and wanted it to continue. Wish I could get my sleeping patterns back into sync. Ideally, as it's autumn, a 5am rise and 10pm bedtime would suit. Just can't get into the routine, however.

I've put several of this months GDR items officially on hold while I concentrate on the new book release and preparing for NaNoWriMo. I want to write some new fiction before the end of the month as a kind of limber up as well and I'm running out of time.

Revamped the Fringe Fantastic website. I've been making small changes to the manuscript over time and just need to tweak the cover for the Second Edition, which will be published tomorrow.

This new edition will be available as a downloadable e-book as well as in paperback. The First Edition of the book will only be available in print and all copies signed by me. I want to clear them out for good.

While I was at it I put together a press release to announce the new release and gave my website and the Fringe Fantastic website
a top-up, too. I figured this will stir some interest just prior to the launch of my second book, Poolside Poetry.

All this took me quite a while to get it right, after which I decided on a cup of tea and an early'ish night. I caught Mr Rankin on This Week chatting about the state of the UK Prison Service and laughed as he managed to squeeze in a small promotion of his new book out today, The Naming of the Dead.

Speaking of which, my MIL gave me a tatty first edition copy of Rankin's Let It Bleed, which I already have but she wasn't to know that. It was a lovely gesture and made incredible when I opened the cover to discover a handwritten note from the original buyer to the recipient. It read, "To George, cheers, Ian Rankin." I don't think she knows it is signed by the author.

I'm still reading The Flood and have lost touch over the last weekend. I'll pick it up again in between.
Colin 3:04 pm


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