Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Lazy Like A Sunday

As you can probably imagine I slept longer than normal today. Last night's early-morning finish knackered me out, but it was a good night out nevertheless. Good to get out with Gail and good for her to see her Dad's side of the family at an event. No hangover for me either. That's the good thing about Guinness; next day is never as bad.

Garden duties took up my afternoon. I assembled our new lawnmower and trimmer and cut our lawn back down to size. It had become way overgrown during the winter months and badly needed a tidy. I gave a lot of the grass to Milly who chomped her way through a tonne of the stuff.

Milly, by the way, is our Guinea Pig. She's all-white, with large black eyes, and as cute as a button. I wasn't sure about getting her at first, but when she arrived I fell in love with her. Who wouldn't - you should see her wee face.

During dinner, the lady we got Milly from turned up at the door to deliver the hutch she said we could have. It's an outdoor one that stands tall and has been re-covered with water-proof covering. Wee Milly will be living outside from tomorrow night onwards. I'm going to miss seeing her wee head pop out her home when I walk into the room every morning.

We're becoming quite an animal-friendly home. There's the goldfish in the ktichen, the tropical fish in my office, the Guinea Pig now moving to the garden. And now we have a spare hutch, who knows what's coming next?!

Watched a bit of telly in the evening with Gail, so never got much else done. Now that Stella is nearing completion I plan on beginning work on Hunting Jack to get it completed, too. Both are so near a state I can be happy with, once they are finished I can go back and re-start my work on A Friend To Die For. I'll need to re-acquaint myself with the story, but now I have more experience under my belt, I feel I am better placed to tackle what is a complicated tale to write. Multi-characters and parallel plots that come together through the book is something that scared me before. Not now - now I'm full of confidence.

No doubt there will be more work erquired once I've thought they are complete - I'm not kidding myself - but once they are marketable at least, I'll start looking for an agent for Hunting Jack and a publisher for Stella.

I've started receiving submissions and replies to the email I sent out to the people in my writing group about an anthology. I think this is going to be a superb publication and there is going to be a lot of work involved but I'm looking forward to it. I'll need to decide what I'm going to submit myself.

Colin 1:20 pm


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