Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Friday, February 25, 2005

A Little Of Nothing

My work computer wouldn't start today, and remained on the blink until it came time to go home. All kinds of weird stuff started to happen; Arabic text, strange activity, applications was a real technological twilight zone.

I decided to let the technicians get on with trying to fix it but I was getting in their way so much I went to Clark's for a pint. Dave and Tom followed suit and we had a couple of jars.

I managed to get my mobile phone wired up to my PC which was good to release all the movies and images I have taken. The memory card was getting full so this means I can burn them off and start again.

I did more work on a website and getting a contract sorted out for it too. I figure its going to be something I need to establish early on so spent sometime getting the statements the way I want them.

Not much else I want to say about today. It was a frsutrating and annoying day though I did get more done on Hunting Jack. An email to all authors was sent out by the ed at KIC and I just know if I don't get this section fisnished and sent in it is me who's going to get the personal email telling me to shift my arse.

I've stumbled with some of the Jamaican dialect for a character which is proving slow but worthwhile. Sunday will be the next time I get to work at it but I really need to have them in by then.

Rugby tomorrow; Italy at Murayfield and the afternoon in the Rose Street purveyors of ale. Cannae wait!
Colin 2:13 pm


I got that email, Colin. I wrote my arse off this weekend. Which reminds me... I need to renew to yours!

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