Saturday, January 01, 2005
An Easy Start To The New Year
May 2005 bring you the happiness and peace you deserve.
It was a very slow start to the day. Most of the Lodgers chose to lie low until mid-afternoon thought some made it out for short strolls or to the hotel. By the time I was up and dressed, Gail had got Laura ready for a swim – which I was also to attend.
With excruciating pains in my knees, back and sides from my dancing the previous night, I thought this might actually be a good idea to ease the pains and so I was somewhat miffed to find the pool was too full and we would not get into it.
We returned back to the lodge and most of the others were up and about and toying with the idea of a beer or two to wash away the blues. I couldn’t face it and opted for a coffee instead before retiring to my room for an extra couple of much needed hours kip.
When I got up again at about 6pm, Gail had gone up to the hotel with a couple of the others so I joined them and was delighted to find how easy two Bloody Mary’s were to drink, thus starting the party again. We sat for a while and had a laugh and a couple of drinks before heading back to the main lodge for dinner.
After the meal we decided it would be best to finish as much of the alcohol off as possible because there would be no room in the cars to get it back down the road. So despite me wanting nothing more than an early night and determined not to see the back of 4.30am yet again – it happened.
It all started with a mass game of Pictionary, and ended in the bottom of a bottle of JD.