Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Sunday, July 23, 2006

BBQ Time

Yesterday was a no-brainer. There were hangovers left, right and centre, and not much else to do but recover. The tally of Ian's 60th party present haul was: 17 bottles of Dark rum, 1 bottle of Vodka (drunk by us back at the house afterwards), £120 cash, Boots, B&Q and Argos vouchers. Not bad. Can't wait till I'm 60!

Today we were on the move again. We got a mid-morning train through to Glasgow then another connecting train out to Johnstone. My dad picked us up at the station and before long we were sitting out in the sunny back garden of my parent's house drinking coffee an tea. An hour after that and were up the road at my friend Mikey's house at a birthday BBQ for his 2-year old daughter with friends and family.

It was another one of those days. It started off as a pleasant afternoon drink, then once the bulk of everyone had left, leaving the core group left behind, it descended into a bit of a session. It was after midnight before we got back to my parent's house, and 1am before I saw my bed.
And now there are only two days remaining to get everything organised for the holiday. Time is ticking and there is still millions of things to do.

It's going to be a busy couple of days before I can relax again.

Colin 8:41 pm


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