Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Road Home

When the four of us finally rose it was almost noon and with rumbling stomachs we made our way towards the now historic, Little Chef. The Little Chef is a motorway stop-off selling all kinds of magnificent food, none of it healthy, and we have been going here after a night of partying for years. It goes down a treat on a Sunday afternoon.

After a superb brunch aptly called the Olympic Breakfast, we departed on our separate ways. I had to catch a train to Edinburgh from Newcastle centre. so MikeyP dropped me off slightly early so I had time to grab a cappuccino before boarding the train north.

My mobile phone comes with an in-built FM radio, which is fine on journeys through built-up areas. It is not so good when you are travelling along the East Coast of England into the Scottish border region where no humans ever go. Thus - no radio signal.

I remembered I had brought a book with me, so I read some of The Prison House by John King. I have several books on the go just now which is a pain, but I really need to get through this batch to get into the next lot of exciting reads.

When I got home it was about 4.30pm and the family were waiting for me. Laura was excited to see me and Gail cracked a comment about some girl phoning this morning who said I had given her my number last night. As if.....!

The rest of the evening was relaxing and laid back. I read some of my book and caught up on my writing group and Gail watched some TV and studied for another financial exam she is due to sit on the 25th.
Colin 2:46 pm


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