Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Monday, January 17, 2005

A Different Workplace

When I got to work this morning I noticed something had changed. It wasn't obvious, nor was it tangible; it was just - different.

Looking around, I eventually realised it was the people. They all look and sound like they enjoy being here for a change. Is it just me then? Am I the only one that sees my office as a prison for creativity? Am I the only one that feels they have been let down, eaten and regurgitated by a system of commerce and big business? Am I the only one happy to earn a few pounds and feel happy with my lot in life while the fat cats get fatter? Am I he only one with the desire to get out? Maybe not, but the rest certainly hide it better than I do.

A friend texted me in the evening to say it looked like they were going to get snowed in and may not be in work tomorrow. I took it as a joke, assuming they were on a night out or something. Then I looked out of the window and a snowstorm was in full pelt. It hardly ever snows in Leith so this was a real surprise.

My friend Devon is having real problems with her PC. They all seem to be XP related but while this would be an annoyance for most people, for her it is worse as it eats into her writing time and ultimately her income. Imagine a chef with no cooker, or painter with no brushes and you will see the magnitude. So she sent me the details of the problems she is having and I will search through some of the databases at work and see if I can help.

I came across some potential freelance markets that I have added to my 'Check out first' list and I edited and sent in issues 39 to 42 of Hunting Jack. I would have done more but it was getting late and I was still really tired from the weekend.

Slowly but surely I am eating away at my To Do list for January based on my GDR2005. There is still some major bits of work waiting for my attention but I am finding having this list broken down in the way it is, helps me to stay focussed at the right amount each time. A month seems to be a nice amount of work to have on your plate, while still allowing room for advancement and amendments.
Colin 11:50 pm


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