Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Young Boy Is Always There

I woke to find Edinburgh enshrouded in a cloak of fog. Funny how the weather mirror’s the feeling in my brain some days.

Laura has been really excited about today for weeks, ever since we got our advent calendars in for the big countdown. I may be 31 but you’re never too old for Christmas I say. She has a Shrek 2 one, and I have The Simpsons (again). We always open them together before school and work.

At 7am precisely she came charging through to the room but Gail told her to get sorted for school first before opening anything. I’ve never seen her get her school uniform on so fast. Then it was time for the ceremony, and the finding of door number one.

I love the build up to Christmas; the promise of family fun, food, drink and preparing for a new year. The best bit is wishing for a White Christmas, and when I was young that also included Santa. My family had our own traditions that developed over the years, and when I left home these still continued. We would always wait till we were together before giving out presents, the meal on Christmas Day etc.

Now I am suddenly the only male in the house, and I am an adult. Things have changed, though I am still the same exciteable boy that always got sent out of the room by his Mum for "going over the top" - except now I am 31, and the reasons are different - but the effect remains the same.

I get excited because I watch Laura getting excited and seeing the Christmas spirit that I once felt absorb her. We open our calendar together and decide what to buy Mummy for Christmas. But now I also get to wrap her presents and put them out on Christmas Eve, then drink the vino she left for old Santa. This year, Santa has a hankering for a mince pie anda malt whisky - Heaven knows how he does it.

I had work to do in the office today – no really, please don’t laugh – so wasn’t able to get much done on my writing. I have a poem boiling away in my head that I scribbled last night after I got back in late and was hoping to get that done. The notes themselves are quite 'open to interpretation' so it will be interesting to see wht form the poem takes.

The major thing was getting my first issue sent in for the Website Development column for KIC Magazine. I’ve planned out a good few issues ahead now so I’m hoping this magazine really takes off. It will allow me to grow and help push my name forward as reliable and accurate.

This is my first foray into real article writing. I used to review gigs and shows but not seriously. Now I have been lucky enough to get involved with KIC, I am determined to take the bull by the horns and make it work. It's all a step in the right direction.

Oh - nearly forgot I am still updating my Goals, Dreams and Resolutions (GDR) List for 2005. This is a map a few of us in my writing group are working on and I am going to use it throughout next year. I am including personal and professional points in it and will reveal it in a month's time.
Colin 11:20 pm


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