Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Hubcaps And A Writing Rush

I slept wonderfully last night. I went to bed at 10pm and woke 12 hours later and I felt fantastic. I must have really needed a good night like that. Not only that, but the weather is fantastic (if you like the autumn that is - why I do). Clear blue skies, crispy crunching pavements and a pleasant chill. This is the weather I like to listen to the album Stella by the band Yello. It reminds of the same weather that we had when I still lived at home with my parents back in 89 when I was sitting my Prelim exams for my Highers. From my bedroom window I could look out over our back garden, beyond which were fields, a golf course and a hill. With the first fall of autumn bringing a blanket of frozen white particles that lay over the land freezing it in time. I have a photograph somewhere of the blackbird which made nest in a nearby tree, and every year it could be seen in the same tree, waiting, or was it looking at me.

Might write a poem about this now I have the memory. I'll get the picture first and scan it in for posting - might be Monday before I get to that though.

Forgot to mention in yesterday's Blog we got our payrise and bonus letters for the year. It's the lowest bonus I ever had but it's down to the cutbacks - we were expecting it. Some teams got nothing so I should be glad. Gone are the days of 15% pay hikes and 15% bonuses me thinks. The salary rise will probably only cover the cost of the contributions we also have to make to our pensions from now on, so in effect, no rise in real terms.

Had to nip out to Halfords to get new hubcaps for the car and took the car through the car-wash while we were at it. This caused an argument because I remember going through carwashes with my Dad when I was a kid and I always went mental when the big leather strips came flapping over the roof. The same was for Laura, but with me joining in with the hilarity of it all Gail got fed up with my immature ways and told me I would never know what it is like to be "the only adult in the family". Ah well - she knew that when she married me :-)

I updated my submissions list, redrafted issue 28 and wrote 29, 30 and 31 so I am well on the way to completing issue 32 by the end of the weekend. I reckon my targets are very achievable now after a writing rush like I had tonight.
Colin 2:17 pm


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