Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Friday, January 05, 2007

December GDR Review

* Finish writing Slick (est. 20k) - complete.
* Finish edits for Wide Awake - ditched. Cant get it to work. Will come back to it later.
* Write some new fiction - nothing done.
* Get back on top of submissions list - done.
* Follow up on three outstanding Stella submissions - done - 3 outstanding
* Follow up on four outstanding Hunting Jack submissions - all in. Nothing more on this just now
* Find a new market for Hunting Jack - considered an e-publisher. Major decision whether to go ahead with submission. Eventually decided NOT to e-submit. Will wait however long it takes.

* Publish Poolside Poetry - still to finalise book cover and font - down to 12 fonts and 6 covers. Not going to happen in December. Looking at possible Feb 07 release.
* Write more poetry - develop idea for children's book for next year - ideas/planning WIP (to include fiction also)

* Complete work on Scotland's Treasure for January column - Done - Blockheads gig review. Christmas/NY in Edinburgh - WIP for publish just after NY.
* Contact Scottish poet for re-arranged interview - not available till Jan earliest.

Marketing and Promotion
* Prepare press release for Poolside Poetry for when it goes live - not done.
* Complete cross-promotion with Fife B&B for Fringe Fantastic - no hurry, can even wait until early next year

* Keep website up to date - complete.
* Re-analyse promotion of FF and PP - looking at new things I can do and more outlets for selling.

Reading and Research
* Finish reading Flesh and Blood by John Harvey novel - IP
* Began reading Billy by Pamela Stephenson - IP

Other Projects
* Stay on top of editorial work for TSDR - WIP
* Put together final 2007 GDR Plan - WIP

Things That Turned Up
* New books received at Xmas: Leviathan (Auster), Watchman (Rankin), Sleepyhead (Billingham)

Submissions Made

* Completed the first draft of Slick
* River Monkeys, published in A Pocketful of Fun - A Collection of Poems for Children on December 31st by Anchor Books.

* Spent too much time on GDR's and reflecting. Holidays kind of scuppered plans and preparing the family for the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Fiction - 5,000
Non-Fiction - 9,400
Poetry - 0

Outstanding Submissions
Pulp 1
3am Magazine 1
Barcelona Review 1
The Portable Muse 2
Crimespree Magazine 1
Wildchild 1
ThugLit 1
Ephemera 1

Interactive Dad 2

Waiting 3
Rejected 5

Hunting Jack
Waiting 4
Partials 1
Rejected 7

This month was all about completing Slick and working on my GDR's. I need to move forward now after what has been a challenging and enjoyable year. But I need more. Now is the time to reflect on the year as a whole, not just the month, and to plan accordingly.

Annual GDR Review will follow...
Colin 7:14 pm


Colin, you have had a great year. concentrate on the positives.
BTW, I found 'Billy' a great dissapointment.

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