Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Monday, May 02, 2005

GDR For May

Rain fell overnight and left a sticky, damp feel to the morning. I really struggled to get out of bed having had an awful night's sleep. I think I was over-tired when I went to bed last night and I tossed and turned the whole night long. The heat didn't help either nor did the loud bangs and police sirens in the distance that kept going off. Not sure what that was about.

So I had a shower and a coffee and felt mildly better. Then I stuck on a Beatles CD and felt a bit better again. I got to work, despite it being a holiday for the rest of the country, and I felt poor again.

Over lunch I worked on the four new poems I wrote on Friday afternoon while sitting in the pub waiting for my mate to show up. Never got anything esle done as I had to work (being the only one in my team in the office).

I'm having to plot out the precise issues of Hunting Jack with it being last month's subscription period. It 's just not possible to write as freely as have done for first 90% of story because it needs to be neatly folded and tucked in at the ends. The only problem is; after plotting it out in detail I have found I can complete it in 8 issues - but I need 9!! I want each of the final issues to finish on big cliffhangers to maximise the suspense and make it a real "page turner" to the end so I will have to think hard to ensure the continuity, suspense and plot length before I statr to actually put it on paper.


Again, it is very fiction and poetry orientated although I have made the non-fiction article a priority for the first half of the month.

* Complete last 9 issues of Hunting Jack
* Complete Monday Mornings and submit to Writing Magazine competition
* Complete Whisky Snatching and submit to suitable market
* Write 3 new short stories

* Write 8 new poems
* Edit and complete 8 poems currently in WIP
* Write 6 kids poems

* Travel article on Edinburgh Literary Figures (priority)

Marketing and Promotion
* Compile and send out press release for completion of Hunting Jack
* Try to contact Leith FM
* Look at possibility of advertising HJ at the Leith Festival

Reading and Research
* Find more time to read more poetry and fiction
* Keep up to date with KIC e-zines
* Research Hunting Jack e-book

* Write more Web Development manual chapters
Colin 10:41 am


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