Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Sunday, April 10, 2005


I have realised this weekend that there is much to learn in the way of poetry. I lay last night and thought long and hard of the impact my first post to the poetry group has caused. Even though I posted to the wrong section, it still does not detract from the point that next to others in this area, I am still very much a novice.

It's an eye-opener for sure and a lesson learnt the hard way. Is there any other better way of learning fast than getting your fingers burnt? I work in an I.T. department by day, and from experience I know the only way to fully understand a new application or piece of software is to break it first, then fix it. Only by getting your hands dirty and breaking it down to its lowest level components, can you begin understand how it was constructed and the reasons it was put together in a specific order.

And so it has to be with poetry. I must go back to the drawing board and read, study and write. I will continue to write poetry as it comes to me; as an artist I must continue to follow my heart on this. But I am at a crossroads now and I can feel a positive change in my poetry in the near future.

It was a slow start to the day. Gail let me lie in but there was motive behind her kindness. I had left out my digital video camera from yesterday's photo session and she used it to prove that on the odd occasion, I do in fact snore. Revenge will be mine, and it shall be sweet.

The day was all about packing and. Boxes are springing up everywhere and the cupboards slowly emptying. There is still much to do and a feeling of urgency is growing. Tomorrow we sign everything off and there is no going back after that. Friday will be great. It will be a day long rembered. It will see the end of Kenobi, and will soon see the end of the rebellion. Sorry - slight attack of Star wars syndrome there.

I spent some time on the new forums I subscribed to, but other than that and this blog, no writing got done. I wrote longhand into my notebook more of the story that started in my head the other night but I can't see me meeting this month's GDR. I don't think the effect of moving is going to have as great an impact on my output that I first thought it might, but it's never going be completed.

By the end of this week I want to have the first draft of the sitcom scripts complete. I also want to have several issues of Hunting Jack complete and have done the first edit of my short story, The Dictionary. I also want to have completed the first draft of the new story that came to me the other night called Whisky Snatching and to have resubmitted A Bond of Faith and The Oasis, which was returned to me this evening from the Summerset Review with a standard rejection.

To finish today's entry I want to wish Prince Charles and his new bride all the best for the future.

Colin 10:35 am


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