Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


It's the start of a new holiday year and my holidays are all back to full. I carried a week forward so I am pleased to see I have 7 weeks holiday to look forward to this year. I also have a further 12 days (2.5 weeks) flexi-time I can use so long as I put in the hours beforehand (not as easy at it sounds).

My holidays will start to disappear again as soon as next week because Laura's holiday club isn't running over the Easter Holiday's. That was nice of them. So I've a few days over the next couple of weeks where I won't be in work. I'm going to miss it so much (not).

My friend got back to me with some good advice and I put together an offer for a good Website package for my potential new client. I think I just needed the confidence to know how to approach this, but long term maybe a short course in 'Negotiation Skills' is required.

I did a lot of work today drawing up specific worksheets for this project to send to the client. They are designed to help me to gather as much information as possible on what he is looking for with regards to content and architecture, and I will be able to re-use them. They should make it easier for the client to communicate their ideas and requirements. Next thing to do is send them off to him, then buy his CD. I want to hear the music he produces - it might give me more ideas.

Half way through the month and a quick check at my To Do list revealed that I look to be about 40% complete with my targets. Some of them have been wiped (KIC Mag columns) and others I have done several weeks more of work (Website manual). But I wanted to focus on fiction more this month and that is going well. I'm going to make sure this weekend holds no surprises and I get through a lot.

Gail is leaving tomorrow afternoon for a long weekend in London so I should be able to find plenty time to write once Laura has been taken care of. Before the end of the month I need to have re-written Bill McCarthy, written short story entries to the January and March competitions in Writing Magazine. I have ideas percolating and hopefully I can get them down over this weekend. I also need to take Hunting Jack forward significantly - things are happening on every page now. A crescendo is forming.

It's my sister's birthday next week and I am struggling to think of what to get her. It's a milestone birthday so I want to be a bit more special than say an oven glove or a hat stand.
Colin 11:03 am


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