Freedom From The Mundane - A Writer's Blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Galloway: Oath Blunder

Review of OASIS gig now under the image below with the May 15th blogpost mark.

I felt restless all day today. Don't know why, but I've been feeling very unsettled lately. Can't get into Hunting Jack even though I know what needs to be done. I think it is partially because I am within the closing stretch and something inside me doesn't want to see it end. But it has to, I simply can't get away from it and if I leave it any longer I'm going to muck up my subscribers. I will have to say goodbye to Jackie eventually.

Work was awful. I had to work late because of the incompetence of others. I don't mind if they read this here because I already told them today anyway. People who try to palm off their mess on me soon realise it was a bad move, and I don't care what grade they are. It's one thing doing something that is required and part of your job remit, but doing something which involved working until 7pm because of someone else's cock-up isn't. I am fair in my criticism, but terribly harsh in my dishing out of words during and after the event.

I know it won't win me friends, but tough shit - I ain't here to be pally, I'm here to make money, and telling people where to go is - believe it or not - part of the job of surviving in this place.

I watched George Galloway in conversation with the US Senate Committee as he denied the allegations against him. I found it quite entertaining to see him being so passionate in his denials in front of people who hardly know him - the American public. It's like reinventing yourself when you make new friends; you can tell them anything and they will believe it.

But the truth is, Galloway is in hot water. Yes his display was impressive, but I am still waiting to see if can produce any EVIDENCE to contradict the Senate's report. I have also heard, that because of all this turmoil, The Charity Commission in the UK is going to ask the US Senate who published the allegations, to gain more information. If this happens, it is possible a new inquiry may be held to investigate Galloway's shady selling of oil through the appeal fund for a sick Iraqi girl.

When Galloway returns from his ego-trip in Washingon, where has no doubt been only to glad to grab the headlines with his defined speech and bright-blue eyes, he may also find himself in even further hot water.

He has still not sworn the oath in the House of Commons, and will therefore not be back in London until after the Queen's Speech (which is today), and which is also the deadline when all MPs have to have affirmed or taken the oath. If he then enters the floor of the House of Commons when he gets back, he may be fined £500, and his Bethnel Green and Bow seat would be automatically vacated. This is all at the discretion of the Speaker of the House.

Shame eh? And one to watch.
Colin 2:44 pm


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